Archive | May, 2016

Defining Shipping Method in Oracle

4 May

Defining Shipping Method in Oracle

Go to any OM Super User responsibility
Navigate to

Setup àShipping àFreight Carriers, Cost Types àFreight Carriers

Shipping method is combination of 3 basic properties

  • Carriers
  • Service Level
  • Mode

So to define a shipping method, you can use either existing carrier and service level or you can create a new one in this form

Lets Create a new one here

For creating new Carrier, enter the carrier name and Short name as you need

For creating a new service level, click on the Define Service Levels button

Define the details and Save.

Close the form and add the same service level in the Carriers form which you have created (you can use any service level as you need from the LOV as well)

Select the Mode of transport from the LOV. Say for example TL (TL for Truck)

When you enter the Mode and hit Tab, system will generate a shipping method considering the 3 properties as in this case, Test Carrier-TL-Test Service Level (Carrier – Mode – Service Level)

But you can rename the shipping method as per your need and save

As in this case, I have added, TEST at the end

Once you save the Shipping Method, here, it will create a record in in the SHIP_METHOD quick code in  the Inventory application.

Now you can assign this ship method to any inventory orgs by clicking on the button Organization Assignments in this form only

Click the assigned check box and click on Done to assign the shipping method to required org.

You can see this ship method in the SHIP_METHOD quick code in Inv responsibility, if you need to add any DFF details.

To do this, go to any INV Super user responsibility
Navigate to

Setup àOrganizations àShipping Methods

Here it will show all the shipping methods defined in system

So query the one you have created now by entering the shipping method name in the Meaning field

Now setup the DFF as you need and save.

Shipping method is ready to be used.