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Order Management: Defining Sales Representatives

9 Jan

Defining Sales Representatives

Navigate to the OM Super user
Setup à Sales à Salespersons, in Resources form select New
  1.  Enter the Sales Person name
  2. Select the Category
  3. Optionally enter the end date
  4. In Roles tab, select the Role Type as Sales and Role as Sales Representative
  5. Save your work, this will generate the Salesperson number

Order Management: Defining Sales Representatives

9 Jan

Defining Sales Representatives

Navigate to the OM Super user
Setup à Sales à Salespersons, in Resources form select New
  1.  Enter the Sales Person name
  2. Select the Category
  3. Optionally enter the end date
  4. In Roles tab, select the Role Type as Sales and Role as Sales Representative
  5. Save your work, this will generate the Salesperson number